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Tournament Fundraising Program

Agape Hoops is offering a new service to groups that are attempting to fund raise through a basketball tournament.  We want to partner with you to assist in the administration of the event in and effort to help you maximize the potential of  your event.

Agape Hoops will help you by providing several of the administrative tools and components that help make the Agape Hoops events so successful.

What Agape Hoops will Provide:

  • Pre-Event Administration
    • Direct Email Marketing
    • Website Placement and Advertising
  • Entry Tracking and Administration
  • Event Scheduling
    • We will schedule the event for you
    • Schedule and tournament info will be posted on the Agape Hoops website
  • Tournament Materials for the Event
    • Check-In Materials
    • On-site presentations of brackets and other material
  • One on-site Tournament Director to assist in the execution of the event.

What Your Organization will Provide:

  • Free or reduced Gym Rental Fees
    • Approximate number of courts that will be needed based on the expected team count:
      • 25 to 30 teams = 2 Courts
      • 31 to 45 teams = 3 Courts
      • 46 to 60 teams = 4 Courts
      • 61 to 75 teams = 5 Courts
      • 76 to 90 teams = 6 Courts
  • Provide Appropriate Staffing for taking Daily Gate – number may vary (Approved by Agape Hoops)
  • Provide Appropriate Staffing to Assist in the Tournament Operation – number may vary

Financial Arrangements for the Events:

  • Agape Hoops will receive 65% of the net profits (Fundraising group will receive 35%)
  • Fundraising Group will operate and keep 100% of all concession revenue
  • Fundraising Group will sell and keep 100% of all event sponsorships

For more information on partnering with Agape Hoops for your next fundraising tournament, please contact Natalie Moultrie at