USSSA Missouri/Kansas Basketball
Tournament Hosting Procedures and Requirements
Application for Sanctioning
Each tournament wishing to receive USSSA Sanctioning must provide the following items/information prior to the event being approved:
- USSSA Event Sanctioning fee of $150 (refunded if not approved or event is cancelled 10 pays prior to the scheduled date)
- Tournament director must provide USSSA the following tournament information so it can be posted on the USSSA website and a promotional email can be sent out to the database:
- Tournament name, date & location
- Addresses for all facilities for event
- Tournament format (as allowed by MO/KAN USSSA Basketball)
- Tournament contact phone number, email and website
- All promotional materials must use new USSSA logo and list that it is a USSSA sanctioned tournament
- Officials scheduler for the event.
Once the event is sanctioned, the event will be listed on website. At this point, you have the option to receive online entries and payments. You can choose not to allow online payments. If you do decide to allow teams to pay online through the system, there will be a processing fee (typically $15) per transaction. USSSA will collect the entire fee, and then remit that fee to you (minus any processing fees). To do this, you must submit a voided check or all bank routing and account information for USSSA to direct deposit these fees.
Event Guidelines
- Each tournament must abide by the MO/KAN USSSA basketball playing rules, formats and procedures as provided to the tournament director.
- All tournament directors must conduct themselves in a professional manner in all situations whether overseeing the tournament, coaching or interacting with tournament guests. You represent USSSA and any conduct or behavior deemed inconsistent with the values and professionalism we adhere to will disqualify you from hosting future USSSA events.
- All teams that participate in a Sanctioned USSSA Event must be registered for that playing season.
- It is a $25 annual fee per team.
- This can be done by the team online at
- Tournament Host will be responsible for all sanctions not done prior to the event.
Pre-Tournament Procedures:
- Tournament Director must provide a list of all teams 3 days prior to the event. USSSA will let determine any and all teams that are not currently sanctioned and will let you know who needs to be registered.
- All teams MUST be sanctioned prior to the start of the event. Any teams not sanctioned as of Friday at 12 pm (or earlier if the event begins before) will be sanctioned and the Tournament Director will be charged $25 for each team. You can collect up to $25 for each of these sanctions, but not more.
- Brackets and schedules must be submitted to USSSA three days prior to the event with all pertinent tournament information visible and accounted for.
- All teams must have their roster placed online with USSSA. Each team will have a log-in and password created for them automatically. If teams do not have it placed online by the start of the tournament, you will be required to collect a completed roster with all of the appropriate information: First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, & Grade. (It is to everyone’s benefit if you STRESS HEAVILY that all teams need to get their roster online prior to the event.)
- All materials should have the USSSA logo visibly displayed.
Post-Tournament Procedures:
- Tournament Director will submit the completed brackets with all game scores to USSSA no later than two days after the completion of the event.
- Tournament Director will submit all collected rosters within two days of the completion of the event.
- Tournament Director will receive an invoice within two days detailing any additional fees (team registrations, etc.) within two days of the event. You are expected to remit payment for these items within 10 days of receiving the invoice.