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Timing Rules

“Classic” Tournament Format

  • Timing Rules will be used based on grade:
    • Grades 6 through High School will consist of two fourteen minute halves.
    • Grades 3 through 5 will consist of two (2) twelve minute halves.
    • Grade 2 will use 2 20-minute running clock halves. The clock will stop in the final 2 minutes of the 2nd half and the last minute of each overtime.
    • Clock will stop on all whistles, unless the point spread is 20 or more in the second half.

“Shootout”/”Jamboree” Tournament Format

    • All games will be played with 20 minute running-clock halves, except for the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half, and last 2 minutes of overtime.
    • Inside the last two minutes, clock will stop on all whistles, unless the point spread is 20 or more.

All Tournament Formats

  • Halftime shall be 3 minutes in length.
  • No pressing allowed by any team leading by 20 or more points grades 2-7. For grades 8-12 no pressing after a 25 point lead.
  • Two (2) 30 second time outs per half will be allowed to each team plus one (1) 60 second time out per game. The 30 second time-outs from the first half DO NOT carry over if you do not use both of them in the first half. One (1) additional 30 second time out per team will be awarded for each overtime period.
  • In the case of an overtime game (and double overtime), the clock will be set on three (3) minutes and a jump ball will ensue. In case of a third overtime, a jump ball will ensue and first point to score – WINS – sudden death.

Additional Rules

  • Basketball size will be determined by Age/Gender:
    • All girls’ divisions will use the 28.5″ ball.
    • 9th Grade Boys and up use a men’s regulation ball.
    • 7th & 8th Grade: Determined by State rules: MO will use the 29.5 ball unless agreed to by both coaches; KS will use 28.5 unless agreed to by both coaches.
    • Boys 6th Grade and down will use the 28.5″ ball.
    • 2nd Grade will use the 27″ (Junior size ball)
  • Each team is responsible to provide a designated representative to assist in keeping the scorebook or running the game clock. This must be an adult (at least 16 years of age) who will conduct themselves in a professional manner. For the integrity of the game this must be a neutral zone, if a person cannot remain unbiased and refrain from coaching or yelling from the score table they will be replaced.
  • Each coach is responsible for completely and correctly filling out the scoresheet for each game. This will include a players’ FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, AND UNIFORM NUMBER.
  • Each team is responsible for their own warm up and game balls and/or any other items brought to the game. USSSA is not responsible for items lost.
  • If previous game runs over, clock will be set for 5 minutes and game will begin at the conclusion of the 5 minutes, unless both coaches agree to begin at end of previous game.
  • Teams may begin a game with four players.
  • If a team forfeits two(w) or more pool games, the team will be disqualified from the event and cannot participate in the tourney round of play.
  • No refunds once the schedule has been published and or tournament play has started.
  • If a team forfeits a game there is a $50 forfeit fee. A team that forfeits a game in pool play cannot advance to the Championship game unless Agape Hoops determines there are circumstances that substantiated the forfeit.

2nd Grade RULE addendums

  • 2nd grade boys and girls will be play on 8’ ½” goals
  • 2nd grade boys and girls with a 27″ (Junior Size) basketball
  • Grade 2 will use 2 20-minute running clock halves.  The clock will stop in the final 2 minutes of the 2nd half and the last minute of each overtime.
  • Clock will stop on all whistles, unless the point spread is 20 or more.

Pool Play Tie-Breaking Procedure

  • Best record
  • Head-to-Head
  • In case of 3-way tie or if two teams are still tied after previous tiebreakers:
    • a)Point Differential (max +/- 15 per game) among tied-teams
    • b) Point Differential overall (max 15)
    • c)points allowed
    • d)coin flip.
  • In case of a team forfeit, the score will be recorded as 15-0.

Sportsmanship/Competition with Civility

For more information on our Competition with Civility Program, please CLICK HERE. Additionally, we will be enforcing the following stipulations for player behavior and or misconduct:

  • Two direct technical fouls during a game for a player, coach or team representative will result in their disqualification from the current game and the subsequent next game.
    • This may be applied to a team’s next event (if the ejection occurs in the last game of a tournament).
    • Potential further suspension and tournament ejection is possible and is at the discretion of the Tournament Director if unsportsmanlike conduct or harassment of officials, staff or players persists.
  • Fighting and/or physical altercation will result in the individual’s removal from the event and potential further sanctions from USSSA.

Things Coaches should know:

  • Coach/Referee pregame meeting: Before each game referees and coaches will meet to confirm rules.
  • If a Coach or the bench gets a technical foul the coach does have to sit for the rest of the game
  • If a Coach is ejected from a game they cannot coach the next game with that team (must be with the same team)
  • Coaches should observe the coach box rule as a show of sportsmanship and respect: The coach box is considered the top of the key down on your teams side of the bench, coaches should  not go outside of this area or interfere with score table
  • Coaches are responsible for fan conduct; if fans cannot be contained the team could forfeit their game

Roster Rules

Agape Hoops is requiring that all rosters be online at Tourney Machine through your Coach account. For State and special events player photos will be required to be on the online roster version. If your roster has not been placed online, you will be required to submit a roster before play begins.

1. No roster additions will be permitted after the team has begun play of its first tournament game.

2. Completed roster must be submitted or updated on the Tourney Machine/USSSA website before first tournament game.

3. 15 Players max per roster

4. Players participate at their present academic grade level. Players can play “up” in grade level, but not “down”. For example, a player enrolled in 5th grade can play in the 6th grade division, but not the 4th grade division.

5. Players can only play on one team per grade level per event. If a player is caught playing on two teams, the player will be confined to staying on the roster for the remainder of the tournament with the team they played with first in the tournament even if it’s not the players’ primary team. If both teams have played a game, the second teams’ games will be disqualified. Combined divisions are considered to be highest grade: 5/6th is 6th grade.

6. Teams are required to have proof of grade at check-in and should have that proof available on request. Proof of grade is a clean copy of any report card of the current academic year.

Things Coaches Should Know

  • No refunds once the schedule has been published and or tournament play has started.
  • Team registrations must be paid before the 2nd game or can result in a forfeit until fees are paid.
  • Forfeit of pool game is a $50 fine. A team that forfeits a game in pool play cannot advance to the Championship unless Agape Hoops determines there are circumstances that substantiated the forfeit.